How can the breath help with so many conditions?

How can the breath help with so many conditions? Well the simple answer is that the breath is involved in every condition. Oxygen is the primary need for people and all mammals.There’s no condition that exists without it.

|    Wellness
How can the breath help with so many conditions? Last week we received this query by email….it’s a great question…why would there be so many different ways of breathing!

Well the simple answer is that the breath is involved in every condition. If you think about it for a second, oxygen is the primary need for people and indeed all mammals. More than anything. There’s no condition that exists without it. Asthma, Allergies, Cancer side-effects and smoking are all inextricably linked to the breath.


And, for everything in life, there’s a breath that can make it… worse! Therefore there’s a breath that can make it better! In some cases it’s all that is needed. If you think of the 100 trillion cells that go to make up “you”, each one of them is dependent on what we call homeostasis – the perfect range of conditions needed to survive and thrive. To bring a cell back to homeostasis is to bring it back to health. Controlled specific breathing patterns are the way we do that. Let’s sort out the breath and see if we still have a problem. Very often, we don’t.


In the same way that Hypnosis has been shown to work for all kinds of conditions by speaking to the ‘subconscious’ parts of us – so do the different breaths – only much more directly and without the need for any kind of trance or hypnotic ability. After years exploring, teaching and treating clients successfully with hypnotherapy, the realisation came about that there was an easier way of doing this, and now the science is supporting this. The latest neuroscience is showing that breathing is about far more than oxygen. It’s the remote control for the brain and the body. Breath is the language of the nervous system. Changing our breath, changes our levels of fear, memory, habitual patterns, reactions and our general internal climate. Balance the breath and you balance the body and the brain. It’s simple and beautiful.


It’s amazing to think that the answer to our question was right there in plain sight – it’s been hidden right under our nose, all the time! Isn’t it the way that the place you find something is in the last place you look? 

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