The Shala London

the shala blog


Teaching apprenticeship scheme

A Yoga Teaching Apprenticeship scheme to develop teaching skills within an ashtanga self practice class setting. An ideal opportunity for newly graduated teachers to continue to develop, grow in confidence and gain a deeper understanding of working with hands-on adjustments.

Mysore Yoga class

Exploring mysore classes

Fundamentally, a Mysore style “self-practice” allows students to progress on a truly personal and much deeper level with few external distractions. The special serenity, quietness and focus of this class enhances a deep meditative state and fully embraces yoga as a moving meditation.

Ashtanga Self Practice

Establishing an ashtanga self practice

A workshop to guide and support students in establishing an ashtanga Mysore practice, taught by Gingi Lee.

GIngi Lee in Mysore

1993 mysore no money

Visiting the Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Mysore.