the shala blog

Refugee Crisis Appeal

2015 child refugee crisis appeal

It was an amazing turn out for our fundraising event for the Child Refugee Crisis Appeal.


Yoga in support of the child refugee crisis

Join us for a day of giving back as a yoga community on 28th December with a Yin Yoga workshop and an ashtanga yoga class to raise funds for the Child Refugee Crisis Appeal.

Film Location

The shala being filmed

Free yoga classes at the Shala this Thursday at 6.30pm.

Kirsty Arnold

New face front of house

Welcome Kirsty to our team! Kirsty will be helping front of house as well as with the never ending piles of administration.

Baby Yoga

Just chilling

The lounge area of the Shala is most relaxing…

Kristina Ireland Yoga

2014 kristina ireland at the shala

Kristina Ireland visits from Greece to teach our first workshop in our new space.

Yoga Studio Open Day

Open day

The cakes make it all worthwhile.

Yoga Teachers

2014 the dream team

Our dream yoga and Pilates team – committed to delivering teaching of the highest standard.

Yoga studio in West Norwood

2013 all systems go

“All is coming.” Building work begins in earnest on West Norwood’s “über new yoga centre”

Staff Training

Bureaucratic boredom

Some of the Shala team having a stimulating afternoon of fire regulation training.

Yoga Open Day

2014 stretching into west norwood

Doors just hung, hot-footing builders and the laying of yoga mats

The Shala Building Project

2014 in need of tlc

Thank you Lambeth Council for funding the restoration of the front of our building.

Yoga Centre West Norwood

2013 derelict dreams

The relentless and overwhelming task of refurbishment on the planned yoga centre in West Norwood begins.

Yoga in West Norwood

2012 the dream space

Putting it out to the universe and to Google!

Yoga in Clapham

2010 off the rails

The Shala opens its doors in Clapham North in an old railroad outhouse.

Yoga Classes in Chelsea

2008 flirtation with chelsea

Getting nearer to the river

Yoga Wedding Vows

2007 marriage vows in the south of france

A yoga practice of love…

Sangam Yoga Centre Battersea

2006 meeting of the rivers

The Sangam yoga community evolves over the years in its unique Battersea space.