Maintain a healthy back with bodyrolling
Statistically we have an 80% chance of having back problems at some point in our lives so it is essential to look after your back. Yamuna Bodyrolling works exceptionally well to heal and sustain your back.
Statistically we have an 80% chance of having back problems at some point in our lives so it is essential to look after your back. Yamuna Bodyrolling works exceptionally well to heal and sustain your back.
Yamuna Zake will be teaching her first European Yamuna Yoga teacher training at the Shala in September.
Gingi Lee talks about his discovery of Yamuna Body Rolling and why he has found it such a powerful method of physical self-help, healing and sustainability.
Next October we will returning to Puglia, Southern Italy to run a one week ashtanga yoga and Yamuna bodyrolling retreat.
Learn about Body Rolling; the technical, practical and therapeutic system created by international teacher Yamuna Zake.
Everyone feels major changes after their first body rolling session. It realigns you, bringing all the parts back to where they are supposed to be. You suddenly feel right” in your body.”
Yamuna Body rolling, a technique devised by Yamuna Zake using specialised balls to lengthen, tone and release muscles and tendons through the body in a systemized way.
Body rolling is a must for yoga students: It will enable and deepen your practice; it will teach and inform you about your own anatomy; and it will help you let go of emotional blocks, trauma and stress. You will feel more centred, grounded and more at ease physically and emotionally.