the shala blog

Breathwork for Depression

Breath work for depression & negativity

Turn up your internal sunshine with this month’s Breath for Life workshop tackling depression, negativity, brain fog and self criticism.


The secrets of how to accelerate healing

An evidence based workshop exploring the secrets of how to accelerate healing by harnessing the healing power of the breath and mind.

Breathwork for Depression

Breath work for depression & negativity

Turn up your internal sunshine with this month’s Breath for Life workshop tackling depression, negativity, brain fog and self criticism.

Pain Management

Escape the prison of pain

Breath your way out of the prison of pain. New research shows how we breathe can be directly linked to how we experience pain.

Dharma Yoga Masterclass

Free classes on may bank holiday

Range of free classes over the bank holiday (Sunday 1st and Monday 2nd May) which will be filmed for our website


Breath for life workshops

A pioneering series of workshops exploring the most important discoveries of breath research and how to harness the healing power of the breath.

Breathwork for Sleep

Breath for life series

Learn about the profound healing power of breath in a ground-breaking series of workshops that explores the most important discoveries in breath research and teaches simple effective life-changing techniques.

Norman Blair Yoga

The body – by norman blair

Breathing, feeling, releasing, softening – this can be a way for us to better be, this can be a way for us to be waking up and more fully connecting to all that is.