Establishing an ashtanga self practice

A workshop to guide and support students in establishing an ashtanga Mysore practice, taught by Gingi Lee.

|    Yoga

On Saturday 27 February, Gingi Lee will be teaching “Transition to Mysore” workshop aimed at guiding students towards an ashtanga Mysore self practice.

For some students, the thought of making the transition in to Mysore classes is daunting, but once students fully experience and understand the Mysore classes, they rarely look back. The quietness and stillness of a self practice where you are in tune with your own breath and your own body, really allow you to embrace yoga as a moving meditation and deepen your individual practice.

Breaking down the misconceptions of practising yoga in the Mysore/self practice style is the emphasis of this workshop. It’s aim is to introduce you to this liberating way of practising, coming away from the fear of not being good enough, and very much coming home to your individual practice. It is where the true yoga starts to blossom. Listening to the breath, moving away from the judgments you make on yourself and delving deep into the movement of the body. It is a revelation.

There is no prerequisite level for joining these classes other than knowing the ashtanga standing sequence (as taught in Level 2 and 3). The workshop is also suitable for those who have already begun the transition to Mysore but would like a bit of guidance.

The workshop will include an introduction to the theory, philosophy and application, of this powerful, life-changing practice. Students will explore how adjustments of postures are given and received during the sessions. A breakdown of the sequence will be given along with useful variations of postures in degrees of difficulties. Tips on how to start the process of memorising the postures will also be touched upon as well as building confidence to feel at home practising yoga at your own speed. If you would like to deepen your yoga practice, and/or develop a home practice, this is the workshop to come to.

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