This weekend we heard the group’s reflections on the start of their teacher training journey and how they had tried to take the teachings from the course and assimilate them in day to day life – and the challenges that that inevitably brought up for each of them. There was much talk of leaving the safe and supportive yoga “bubble” that we had formed as a group and having to go back into the “real world” after our first week’s intensive. One student reflected “I wish I could just live at the Shala”. It made us feel blessed that we practically do!
A few people spoke of how the group was “full of love and support”, and how they felt a freedom to express themselves and open up. Others talked of the sense of self doubt and questioning and the struggle with having more commitments on top of already busy lives. For all it seemed that there has been a significant shift in perspective, a new way of looking at things and a “deeper awareness”.
Taking yoga off the mat and into our day-to-day lives is such an important part of the journey for all of us on the yoga path. A couple of the parents within the group shared a sense of guilt around being on the course and away from their young children. That is a common theme for all of us parents when we take time for ourselves to practice. And yet in truth that time to centre and ground ourselves makes us infinitely better at being present and compassionate (and tolerant!) parents.
It has indeed been a “beautiful beginning” and coming together….Thank you to our new group of inspiring individuals who have joined us and are sharing their energies and thoughts in such an open hearted and honest way. 🙏🙏🙏