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Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training IN STUDIO

This comprehensive 5-day training interweaves theory with a holistic, technical, spiritual and practical approach to teaching yoga to pregnant women. Led by Birth Doula, Yoga Teacher and Childbirth Educator Alexa Dean, this course gives you the skills and knowledge to confidently and safely teach pregnancy yoga.

Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training | IN STUDIO

Alexa Dean + Guest Teachers | 6-10 March 2025 | 50 hours | Price: £650

Pregnancy is often the time when many are introduced to yoga and all of its benefits. In pregnancy yoga can help with having a mindful pregnancy, nourishing and strengthening the body as well as preparing it for labour.   Our intensive 5-day in studio Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training offers a balanced mix of theory, holistic, technical, practical and spiritual approach providing students with valuable knowledge and tools to teach yoga to pregnant women safely and confidently. It is ideal for qualified yoga teachers, recent teacher training graduates or those still completing their yoga teacher training who want to specialise in pregnancy yoga or gain knowledge to work with pregnant women confidently in their general yoga class. This training is also beneficial for keen yoga practitioners who are pregnant, birthkeepers, doulas and midwives, childbirth educators and complementary therapists to enhance their professional skills and build a new career path. Anyone joining the course should have an established yoga practice themselves.

This 5-day Pregnancy Yoga course will give you the tools and the inspiration to confidently teach mothers-to-be in specialised Pregnancy classes as well as in general classes. 

This course can be attended as a stand-alone course or as an optional module on our 300-hour programme.

You can read more about eligibility for our Bursary programme and apply HERE

Pregnancy Yoga Course Overview

The training is focused on how yoga and childbirth education can be integrated for health and well-being through the different stages of pregnancy. We will explore the principles of anatomy and physiology, safety issues, and the spirituality and emotional experience at this stage of a woman’s life cycle. Through the processes of discussion, experiential work, assignments and yoga practice, students will learn to support and empower pregnant women on their path to motherhood.


Pregnancy Yoga Course Content

What to expect from the course

  • 5 days with Alexa Dean and Special Guests
  • Includes a 1-hour 1-1 with Alexa via Zoom
  • Includes option to attend 2 of Alexa’s pregnancy classes at the Shala
  • An in-depth Pregnancy Yoga teaching manual
  • In-depth review of Childbirth Education
  • Practical tools to teach a safe and comprehensive class including poses, themes and sequences specific to pregnancy yoga
  • Integrate yoga props and small equipment into classes
  • Importance of the environment and set up of classes for pregnant students
  • Take and teach a well-rounded yoga class with the pregnant community that honours a woman’s mind and body at this special and sacred time
  • Deep exploration of  anatomical and physiological changes of the pregnant body
  • Review structuring a pregnancy class and poses to do and not to do
  • Adapt the class for those with injuries and/or common ailments such as lower back pain, pelvic girdle pain, low/high blood pressure and fatigue.
  • Feel confident adjusting regular poses for pregnant students
  • Instruction for how to teach virtually
A printed training manual is included (note that if you book later than 14 days before the course start date you will receive the manual as a pdf).

What is expected of trainees
  • Complete 5 days with Alexa
  • Be prepared to teach fellow teacher trainees as well as pregnant women
  • Complete reading from the book list
  • Complete written assignments
  • Take and participate in a minimum of 4 pregnancy yoga classes in your community
  • Complete the practical portion of your final exam, teaching a 75-minute pregnancy yoga class. This class must be recorded and shared with Alexa for assessment
Pregnancy yoga course

Yoga Alliance Accreditation

This course is a Yoga Alliance registered ‘Further training Course’ which will allow certified yoga teachers who hold a 200-hour qualification, to deliver prenatal yoga classes, workshops and short courses. 

Although this course IS open to birth-workers (midwives, doulas, perinatal bodyworkers) interested in deepening their knowledge of yoga’s perinatal benefits, it cannot provide a yoga teacher certification. Birth workers will instead be able to integrate yoga techniques to their usual modalities when supporting pregnant clients.

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About Lead Trainer Alexa Dean

Alexa is a Doula, Hypnobirthing Childbirth Educator, Yoga Teacher, Massage Therapist and Co-Founder of ‘London Bliss Doulas’ established in 2012. She passionately believes in active, positive and conscious birthing and in supporting women all the way through their own private and amazing experience of becoming a parent. She encourages women to intelligently align mind and body, enjoy their pregnancy and the empowerment obtained through knowledge and understanding of the process of birth.

Alexa qualified as a Hatha Yoga Teacher at Triyoga London and Vinyasa Flow Teacher in India. She then specialised in Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga with Nadia Narain and continued her studies with YogaBirth, a program set up by Active Birth teachers that combines Yoga with Childbirth Education. Lastly she took up the Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training, developed by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa (USA) based on Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Alexa is also a Relax & Renew® Restorative Yoga Teacher having trained with Judith Hanson Lasater (USA). She certified as a Doula guided by revolutionary childbirth pioneer Dr Michel Odent, studied Hypnobirthing with Katharine Graves and EFT Tapping with Sue Beer and Emma Roberts. She is a Massage Therapist with experience in Fertility, Pregnancy, Postnatal and Baby Massage. Alexa also trained as a Midwife Assistant at The Farm Midwifery Center in Tennessee, founded by Ina May Gaskin, the pioneer of natural birth in the United States. 

You can visit Alexa’s website here

Guest Teacher Topics & Biographies

A series of guest teachers impart a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of ante-natal care. These include (subject to change):

Avni Trivedi –  ’Finding alignment and easing ailments in pregnancy’
Avni is a Women’s health osteopath with a special interest in pregnancy and birth. She has lectured in pregnancy and birth at the University College of Osteopathy. Avni has a MSc in paediatric osteopathy from the renowned Osteopathic Centre for Children. With an insatiable appetite for learning and development, Avni has also trained to become a doula with Michel Odent and Doula UK, and trained in zero balancing, family constellations, NLP, medical acupuncture, cranial osteopathy, reiki and shiatsu. Her podcast Speak From the Body encourages people to reconnect with the wisdom of the body. Avni has an intuitive and practical style that can be both strong and gentle. For more information visit
Barbara Hanachova –  ‘Women’s Bodies Through Pregnancy & Birth’
Barbara is Independent Midwife with 20 years of experience across all maternity services within NHS as well as private sector. She is passionate about homebirth, respectful care and women’s choice. She loves working with pregnat women empowering them to take control over their bodies and health. She is also IBCLC and tongue tie practitioner. In helping babies with feeding issues she combines her skills with craniosacral therapy. More recently her focus shifted towards using craniosacral therapy and homeopathy in supporting families with complex children which is often closely linked to pregnancy and birth.
She is a mum of four children between the ages of 5 and 22 years. To get in touch you can visit her Instagram @barbarahanachova
Justine Sipprell – ‘Pelvic floor health in pregnancy, birth and postpartum’ .
Justine Sipprell is a mother of 2 and has been working as a Shiatsu therapist, Doula and Pilates teacher for the past 15 years. She is passionate about improving women’s experience of birth and early motherhood. She has been teaching pelvic floor workshops for the past 5 years, introducing women to the Hypopressive method.  Practicing the Hypopressive series or incorporating the technique into your personal practice can improve posture and breathing technique, alleviating pain in the body.  Hypopressives build core strength through reduction of abdominal pressure rather than increasing abdominal pressure as more traditional exercises can do. It is used for the treatment of prolapse, stress incontinence, hernias and haemorrhoids. For more information visit
Maika Prevosti – ‘Nourish pregnancy through taste: an Ayurvedic soulful guide to nutrition’.

Maika is a qualified Ayurveda Practitioner and Nutritionist with a passion for interpreting the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to suit modern lifestyles and make it relevant and accessible to our lives today. Her personal journey since 2003 has seen Ayurveda empower and transform those committed to making a profound and positive change. Having qualified from College of Ayurveda UK and done her internships in India, she enjoys sharing her knowledge through workshops and individual consultations for those wanting more in-depth personalised advice. She also has a background of 16 years as a teacher which now helps her to interpret people’s needs from all ages and backgrounds. Becoming a Reiki Master, Massage Therapist, Pranayama and Meditation Practitioner (Yogalap) and Buteyko Practitioner (Buteyko Clinic International) have added an invaluable tool in her therapeutic approach to efficiently support patients with tailored solutions to improve emotional and physical well-being. For more information visit

Michaela Kalusová – ‘Conscious Baby’

Michaela Kalusová is a co-founder of Jemne Zrozeni (CZ), London Bliss Doulas (UK) and Ammadula Akademie (CZ). Her passion is pre and perinatal psychology and the support of women who have experienced sexual or birth trauma. She practices EFT, DreamBirth visualisations, Matrix Re-imprinting and Matrix Birth Re-imprinting. She regularly runs hypnobirthing courses, conducts seminars, webinars, online courses and trains doulas and hypnobirthing lecturers. She works closely with doula colleagues to improve maternity care in Czech Republic. For more information visit

Ruth Ehrhardt – ‘The Basic Needs of a Woman in Labour’.

Ruth Ehrhardt is the mother of 4 home birthed children, a South African traditional midwife, author of The Basic Needs of a Woman in Labour, birth and midwifery teacher, as well as a yoga practitioner of 21 years. She is the daughter, grandaughter and niece of midwives, so it seems this work was in many ways predestined from birth. Ruth has an innate love and trust for birth, women’s bodies, and babies’ intelligence. In her teaching and work, she mainly focuses on guarding and protecting the environment for pregnancy and birth, as opposed to guiding or facilitating the actual birthing process. For more information on Ruth visit

Thando Zwane – ‘Becoming an inclusive birthworker’

Thando is a Birthkeeper; a facilitator of the holistic aspects of birth and beyond. Working with families in London and beyond, she brings the sacred and science together in a grounded and knowledgeable way. A birth & postnatal doula, doula mentee, hypnobirthing teacher & birth preparation educator, she is also the co-founder of Birthing in Colour, a charity established to inform Black & Brown birthing people of their choices & rights and reduce the disparities faced during the perinatal phase. For more information visit

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Course Dates

The course has the following modules scheduled:

  • 6 March 2025 DAY 1 IN STUDIO


  • 7 March 2025 DAY 2 IN STUDIO


  • 8 March 2025 DAY 3 IN STUDIO


  • 9 March 2025 DAY 4 IN STUDIO


  • 10 March 2025 DAY 5 IN STUDIO



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