Adelene is a passionate practitioner and senior teacher of Yoga. As a leading Yoga for Scoliosis and Restorative Yoga Trainer, she believes in supporting and guiding her students to unveil their fullest potential through somatic embodiment and experiential learning.
Adelene Cheong
Adelene is a passionate practitioner and senior teacher of Yoga who runs workshops at the Shala and the Restorative Teacher Training Course at the Shala School of Yoga. As a leading Yoga for Scoliosis and Restorative Yoga Trainer, she believes in supporting and guiding her students to unveil their fullest potential through somatic embodiment and experiential learning. Adelene draws inspiration through an inquiry-based somatic approach, including integrated movement exploration, living and being in stillness. A movement educator and student of life, she is particularly interested in the therapeutic applications of yoga from a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.
Her teachings are clear, educational and fun. She finds joy in guiding and supporting others through the process of self-inquiry, allowing space and time for reflective exploration. Since 2000, Adelene has carefully organised an integrated non-invasive approach to practising and living with scoliosis through extensive practice, study and research, experiential learning and teaching. This is now offered through online programmes and in-person intensives. She also teaches Restorative Yoga trainings internationally. Adelene believes and commits to a healthy balance of movement, rest, play, stillness, joy, curiosity in life and being in community.
Based in London, Adelene teaches internationally, with a special interest in Yoga for Scoliosis, Back Care Therapeutics, Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Yoga Nidra.
Adelene Cheong Timetable
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