As a breathwork therapist and coach, Fini’s passion is to help people transform their physical and mental health, enabling them to find more clarity, connection, peace and joy in their lives.
Fini Cooper
Breathwork therapist and coach, Fini Cooper originally trained with Transformational Breath, furthering her knowledge with Alan Dolan, and Patrick McKeowen’s Oxygen Advantage. Prior to this, Fini gained a BSc in Psychology as well as an MSc in Organisational Psychology, which complements her understanding of the mind-body connection to the breath.
Fini spends her time working with clients in areas ranging from nervous system regulation to more immersive breath practices. She is also a speaker, and teaches at workshops, events and festivals across the country.
Fini’s passion is to help people transform their physical and mental health, enabling them to find more clarity, connection, peace and joy in their lives. She is working in collaboration with the Shala and The Life Centre to offer breathwork courses and workshops as part of The Breathing Project.
Fini Cooper Timetable
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