Yamuna yoga training

Yamuna Zake will be teaching her first European Yamuna Yoga teacher training at the Shala in September.

|    Teacher Training, Yoga

We are excited to announce that Yamuna Zake will be teaching a Foundational Standing Asanas teacher training at the Shala from September 13-16. This is the first time ever Yamuna Zake will be teaching her Yamuna Yoga training in Europe. The course will cover:

  • Basic warm-up breath work using the balls and how to combine the breath in the Yamuna® Yoga practice 
  • Foundations for building a healthy standing asana practice. This includes: 
  • Healthy use of all parts of the foot. 
  • How to correct the alignment of your feet, ankles, knees and hips before practicing the basic standing yoga postures. 
  • How to practice, and teach the basic standing postures. 
  • How to direct energy and breath directionally in each posture

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