Wouldn’t a guaranteed good night’s sleep make everything in life so much better? Poor sleep is linked to depression, anxiety, heart attack, hypertension, diabetes, weight gain and obesity.
If you’ve ever found yourself staring at the ceiling at 4am without a clue how to get back to sleep or if you’re one of the 80 per cent of people who find their anxiety whirlwinds out of control at night wouldn’t it be fabulous to be able to have the strategy to resolve this in under a minute? A little bit of information, understanding and some clever little brain hacks by using the right breath technique can change everything for you. Swap “I can’t help it” for “I’ve really got this!” and get the sense of control back in to both your daily and your night life. You’ll be astonished at how easy it is to get the results you deserve and wonder why nobody ever told you before…
“Over recent years I had experienced more and more waking up in the early hours (between 3AM – 4AM) and not managed to go back to sleep for about an hour. Not really stressed about life, this being probably the onslaught of Menopause… if there is a problem, one can find a solution and … I have found mine! Using the technique within the last 3 months… the days of rolling from side to side, waiting to go back to sleep are over. I would like to state as well that I feel the quality of my sleep has improved… Loving the power of the breath, it being a FREE and natural remedy for an imbalance in the body and can only suggest to anyone who suffers, give it a PLAY! THANK YOU” LGR
Breath for Life Workshop | 1–2.30pm Sunday 26 February 2017 | £15