Message to our community

Message to our community and a poem a poem of solidarity written by Gingi Lee #blacklivesmatter

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There has been a huge shift for everyone these last few months. Unsettling, uncertain and often frightening times. It has been truly heart and gut wrenching to witness recent events in the USA.

Out of crisis comes transformation and this is a moment in time which has really pushed us all to wake up. Now more than ever we need to stand in solidarity as a human race. To rise against racism and inequality of any kind. For those of us who pratice yoga, yoga is about inclusivity – we share this breath together and there is no divide of race, religion or cultures. We are one. Without the other we are not whole. It’s simple.

Here is a poem Gingi wrote a few days ago

a true change –

one that brings us out of our egos

out of our small minds

minds that are full of fear

the fear blinds our real divine selves

moving us into darkness and the endless cycle of pain

the shift only needs us to see; to overcome our limited minds

to be free of fear

for what is there to be afraid of?

the revolution will have to start with our hearts –

not from fists and hammers

first and foremost do no harm

it must start here

when we look up we all see the sky

when we look down there is the earth under our feet

when we look at each other we can see we share this beautiful place

together we are

there is only one colour we share

that is the colour green that feeds our heart centre

the initiation of life starts with our breath which has no colour

let us breath together

renounce our actions to self gain and come together

the revolution is happening now

be here now…in the moment

it can only change from this instant

where you stand

we can destroy fear

racism is fear and delusion

we are all one

we breath in we breath out

come down on one knee for love

for to be liberated you must love

it’s easy

by Gingi Lee

We urge our community to come together in solidarity for those who have suffered and continue to suffer from oppression and discrimination. And for us all to reflect on ahimsa (non violence), which is the foundation of the yoga practice.

Love Gingi & Ella

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