The Shala London

the shala blog

La Gomera Family Yoga Retreat

2010 la gomera family yoga retreat

Parent and kids holiday secluded Canary Islands

Yoga in Clapham

2010 off the rails

The Shala opens its doors in Clapham North in an old railroad outhouse.

Italy Yoga Retreat

2009 italy retreat

All things Italian!

Yoga in Streatham

Care to dance

Yoga in a grand old house

Yoga Classes in Chelsea

2008 flirtation with chelsea

Getting nearer to the river

Yoga Classes in Streatham

2008 the search continues

On our eternal quest for the perfect yoga space.

Yoga Classes in Balham

2008 institutionalised

Not a lot of prana in the local library…

Yoga Wedding Vows

2007 marriage vows in the south of france

A yoga practice of love…

Yoga Studio in Balham

2007 the short but sweet balham era

Ashtanga yoga practices in the Balham Shala

Sri Lanka Yoga Retreat

2007 jungle magic

Yoga retreat in magical eco village Ulpotha in the heart of the Sri Lankan jungle.

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