Autumn yoga and qigong workshop

In this workshop we will work with the metal element in qigong, which is often associated with letting go and revealing what is most precious in our lives.

|    Wellness, Yoga

In the autumn, nature reveals a final masterpiece: leaves turn brilliant hues of orange, red and yellow before falling off and going back to the earth. It is a time of year where we can begin letting go and turning inward to gain greater insights and inspiration about what is most essential. In this Yoga & Qigong workshop on Saturday 7 November, Mimi Kuo-Deemer will work with the metal element in qigong, which is often associated with letting go and revealing what is most precious in our lives. We will focus our yoga on the precision of developing an inner alignment, and our qigong on ridding the body of stale and stagnant qi. Both will leave us receptive to an inflow of pure, fresh, vibrant energy that reflects this potent time of year.

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